Sexsmith & District Museum Society

Ken & Sherry Drysdale (Kendal Farms)
Grande Prairie Rotary
GOLD DONATIONS ($10,000.00 - $49,999.99)
Rentco Equipment (GIK)
Beairsto & Associates (GIK)
The Cat Rental Store (GIK)
SILVER DONATIONS ($5,000.00 - $9,999.99)
Peace Horse Draft Club
BRONZE DONATIONS ($1,000.00 - $4,999.99)
Sexsmith Senior High School Reunion Class of 69
Big Stick Rentals (GIK)
Grande Prairie Tourism
COPPER DONATIONS ($1.00 - $999.99)
Jeddar Oilfield
Prairie Coast Equipment
Edgar's Fuel Service
The Book Keeping Network
South 40 Dental (Sexsmith)
United Safety (GIK)
McGovern's RV
Dianne Rusk
Shirley Bozarth Hogg
Ed Pealo
Marlene Collins
Adela Kacymarek
Rob Griffiths
Laura Weibe
Mayne Transport & Towing (GIK)

Any donations made in honor of an ancestor or family that are $100.00 or more will be logged in a special memorial book that will be displayed in the elevator once the project is complete.
Agatha Vavrek (Mike Vavrek)
David and Marie King (Clarence Steeves)
Gerald and Lynne Oe
Lorain Lawes/Dianne Rusk (Gordon and Jean Drysdale)
Dr. George Andreiuk (Andreiuk Farm)
Ruth and Ron Dittberner (John and Molly Keiller)
Archie and Pat Meurs (Sydney and Anna Drysdale) (Norman and Ethel Drysdale)
Aimee Carter (Adley Carter)
Jack Gee (Judy Gee)
Lois Kurlovich (Vivian Huber, Joseph Huber, Donald Fraser, Gilbert Huber, Mark Kurlovich)
Barry and Kathy Miles (Norm and Alva Badger, Leslie and Ellen Miles, Shirley Barrett)
Troy and Jody Loroff, Laura and George Wade, Terry and Tracy Loroff (Joe Loroff)
Susan (Dideo) Roulean
Robert Delaney (John and Molly Keiller)
Karen Brown (Pete & Doris Draper)

The Sexsmith & District Museum Society, in partnership with the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation, would like to thank the following people and companies for their contribution towards the Elevator Preservation Project. We could not complete this historic preservation without the help and support of our community and every donation or gift in kind is extremely appreciated.
If you or your company are interested in donating towards this iconic restoration please contact:
Florence Blais (587) 343-0988
James Obniawka (780) 568-2357 or (780) 933-0688
Message us on Facebook Or Email us at sexsmithmuseum@gmail.com.
*Please note the Sexsmith & District Museum Society is a non-profit organization.
(Any donations greater than $20.00 will receive a tax receipt.)